Best Lip Balm for Peeling Lips

Do you find yourself suffering from peeling lips? We've been there, and we have a solution.

Whether your peeling lips are a result of the weather or other various reasons that cause dry, cracked lips, you shouldn’t have to deal with it on daily basis. Well honestly not at all with the right tools in your toolkit. Not to mention the pain they can cause if (accidentally ;)) picked or cracked.

There’s no need to get frustrated. Here are our recommendations for when you’re feeling dried out.

First step, drink water. Hydrating yourself from the inside is the first key to ensuring you don’t feel shrivelled up like dried fruit. At least 2 - 3 litres of water a day is recommended.

Now for the smoothing and soothing of your skin. For a little insight, lanolin is a highly beneficial ingredient that acts as a second skin and helps with peeling, dry, cracked skin. Our Perfect Pout multi-purpose ointment is the ultimate savior for your peeling lips.

You can purchase it in a tube for easy application to your lips, or at a pot for double the volume to use on all areas of your body.

A useful tip that we have found works really well is an overnight lip mask, beginning with our skin perfecting, deliciously scented watermelon lip scrub and followed by a thick layer of Perfect Pout Breeze Balm. You’ll wake up with the soft hydrated lips.